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The Morning Show

Dr. Thomas Carr - Carthage paleontology 

You don't know what war is

Dr. Art Cyr

How to Win the Civil War / Reconnecting after Isolation

Natasha Lance Rogoff, "Muppets in Moscow" 

Robert J. Young - Vagabond Pilot

Anthony Rudel - Hello, Everybody! 

Michael Schulman - "Her Again:  Becoming Meryl Streep" 

Brian Lynch - Jeopardy contestant 

Rebecca Sheir - "Circle Round" 

Nan Calvert with Kyle Burton (WI DNR) 

Dr. Jerald Mast, Professor of Political Science

Steve Kemper - "Our Man in Tokyo" 

Robert Stone: "Taken Hostage"

Davod Bolger, author of "Our Year of War" 

Jeff Pearlman, "The Last Folk Hero" 

Dr. Sandra Moats, "Celebrating the Republic" 

Matt Houghland, director of "Hair" at Carthage College

James Neibaur - Monster Movies

Father Michael Calabria (Islamic art & architecture) 

Sports Agent Molly Fletcher

Neil Scharnick- Carthage's "Memento Mori" 

Shawn Britten- RTG's "Drop Dead" 

Dr, Jeffrey Weiss (KUSD)

The Grandest Stage

Dr. Art Cyr

Sean Manning-  "Bound to Last"

Nicole London- 2 Documentaries

Cody Keenan, author of "Grace" 

Nan Calvert / John Zaborsky 

John Hambrock & Anne Morse Hambrock "The Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee" 

Rachel Swartz- UWP's "The Wolves" 

James Schatzman- RCAS / "Dissection"

Yohuru Williams - "Call Him Jack" 

Paul Sexton (Charlie Watts biography) 

The Carthage production "Frontline" 

My Two Elaines (Alzheimer's) 

Measure of the Heart (Alzheimer's) 

Part 1- David Shenk, "The Forgetting."  Part 2- Garrett Davis, "Unforgettable" 

Concert Pianist Joanne Polk

Dr. Jason Karlawish (Alzheimer's Disease) 

Elaine Khosrova, author of "Butter: A Rich History" 

Carthage College's production of "Antigone" 

Nora Neus, author of "Muhammed Najem, War Reporter"

"Modern Family"

Randall Balmer, "Passion Plays" 

Dr. Deborah Ford

Erin Sjunneson "Being Seen"