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The Morning Show

James Schatzman from Racine Vocational Ministries

Several interviews about cooking and baking. 

Dr. Art Cyr, Clausen Distinguished Professor of Political Economy and World Business, offers his analysis of current events and issues. 

Tim Jeal, author of "Stanley:  The Impossible Life of Africa's Greatest Explorer." 

We preview the next concert of the Kenosha Symphony Orchestra

Valerie Tripp discusses the latest book in her Izzy Newton and the S.M.A.R.T. Squad series.

Jeffrey Korzenik, author of "Untapped Talent: How Second Chance Hiring Works for your Business and the Community." 

Jay Tunney (son of former boxing champ Gene Tunney), author of "The Prizefighter and the Playwright: Gene Tunney and George Bernard Shaw." 

A preview of the Racine Theater Guild’s production of "A Christmas Story."

Trista Piccols from the Walworth County Department of Health and Human Services with a COVID update. 

Carthage College’s Dr. Peter Dennee and UW-P’s Dr. James Kinchen talk about their respective schools’ holiday concerts. 

Brisk Gill talks about UW-Parkside’s next production, “The Thanksgiving Play.” 

Kara Cooney, author of “The Good Kings,” an examination of five of Egypt’s most notable Pharaohs.  

Edel Rodriguez and Charles R. Smith, author and illustrator for "Song for Jimi: The Story of Guitar Legend Jimi Hendrix." 

Former U.S. Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, author of "Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America We Love." 

Dr. Art Cyr, Clausen Distinguished Professor of Political Economy and World Business, offers his analysis of current events and issues. 

Nan Calvert pays her monthly visit to the program.  With her is Monte Osterman, chair of the Racine County Land Conservation Committee.  


A look at the Chiwaukee Preservation Fund with Dana Garrigan, biology professor at Carthage, Sharon Fandel, ecologist for the Wisconsin DNR, and Pam Holy, president of the Chieaukee Prairie Preservation Fund. 

Dr. Lydia Kang, co-author of "Patient Zero: a Curious History of the World's Worst Diseases." 

Renowned choral conductor/arranger Rollo Dilworth, and Dr. Peter Dennee from the Carthage music faculty. 

 Marcus Thompson II, author of "Dynasties:  The Ten G.O.A.T. Teams that Changed the NBA Forever."   

 WGTD's own Dave McGrath talks about his new book "Gene Pitney: The Singer, the Songs, the Songwriters," which has just been published. Dave worked closely with Pitney for many years.


Deborah Karp and Undraye Howard preview the upcoming Non-Profit Leadership Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside on November 17th.

Tamara Winfrey Harris, author of "The Sisters are Alright: Changing the Broken Narrative of Black Women in America." 

Tom Clavin, author of "Lightning Down: A World War II Story of Survival." 

Sean Riordan, Manager of Business Intelligence at Gateway Technical College.  

Former Al Qaeda recruiter Jesse Morton and former White Aryan Resistance recruiter Tony McAleer. 

A preview of "Patience and Fortitude," the latest offering in Carthage College's New Play Initiative. 

Marc Strauss, author of  "One-Legged Mongoose: Secrets, Legacies, and Coming of Age in 1950s New York."

Bryan Albrecht, president of Gateway Technical College- with Debbie Ford, chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

John Happ, author of "The Navigation Case: Training, Flying and Fighting the 1942-1945 Guinea War."  

Paul Sexton, author of "Prince:  A Portrait of an Artist." 

Claude Clegg, author of "The Black President:  Hope and Fury in the Age of Obama." 

Dr. Rick Bjella, conductor-in-residence of the Carthage Choir this semester., previewing the college's fall choral concert this coming Sunday. Dr. Bjella is one of the country's most renowned choral music conductors. 

Charles Shields, author of "Mockingbird:  A Portrait of Harper Lee from Scout to Go Set a Watchman." 

Dr. Thomas Carr, head of the Paleontology Department at Carthage College.

Kelly Kennedy,  a consultant for the upcoming PBS series "American Veteran." 

Dr. Sandra Moats, Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, author of "Navigating Neutrality: Early American Governance in the Turbulent Atlantic."  The interview was recorded at a live event on the Parkside campus. 

Racine Symphony Music Director Pasqual Laurino previews the RSO's Fall Masterworks Concert on Oct. 30th.

Marta McDowell, author of "Unearthing the Secret Garden: The Plants and Places that Inspired Frances Hodgson Burnett."  

Part 1- The University of Wisconsin-Parkside's Foreign Film Series,   Part 2-  Mike Papantonio, author of the novel "Inhuman Trafficking." 

Leonard Rubenstein, author of "Perilous Medicine: The struggle to protect health care from the violence of war."

Part One-   Fabrice Conte-Williamson, director of UW-Parkside's production of Margaret Atwood's "The Penelopiad."  Part Two:  Collin O'Mara, National Wildlife Federation. 

Nan Calvert - with Jim Kreuser,  Kenosha County Executive, and Dave Giordano, Executive Director of Root Pike Watershed Initiative, talking about the Pike River Restoration Project.

Dr. John Swallow, president of Carthage College

Brad Ricca, author of "True Raiders: The untold story of the 1909 Expedition to find the legendary Ark of the Covenant."

We commemorate the 150th anniversary (to the day) of the Great Chicago Fire with an archival interview conducted by former WGTD Morning Show host Bill Guy.

Dr. Herschel Kruger from Carthage's theater faculty talks about their current production of Harold Pinter's "Betrayal." 

Juliette Fay, author of the novel "Catch us when we fall,"  which centers on the themes of alcoholism and redemption. 

Dr. Art Cyr from Carthage's Clausen Center offers analysis of current events and issues.