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Manufacturer is Proposing a Second Plant Complex for Kenosha

Sept. 14, 2024 7:30p

(WGTD)---A German-based company that's in the process of building a $39 million plant in Kenosha wants to establish another manufacturing facility in another part of the city. 

Schutz Container Systems is proposing to build three structures as part of an expansion of the Kenosha Industrial Park off of 52nd St. 

The complex would be built north of the existing parameters of the park. A main park thoroughfare--70th Ave.--would be extended north all the way to Highway 'S', or Washington Rd. 

The company wants to produce steel drums and cages from coils of steel that would be delivered via an extension of a Union Pacific rail spur. The spur would cross 70th Ave. in an overpass that would be built to state DOT specifications, a company representative said at a recent Plan Commission meeting. 

Schutz is already building a plant south of 60th St. and between the Canadian Pacific and Union Pacific tracks. That plant is expected to employ 200 and will produce plastic drums and bulk containers. 

The new plant could employ as many as 165 workers and be operational around the clock.

According to the current timetable, construction of the first two buildings would begin next spring. 

The project is conditional on city council approval. A hearing on a zoning change request is expected to be held Oct. 7th.

The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of the zoning change Sept. 5th. 

Mayor Dave Bogdala, who chairs the commission, told nervous residents who live east of the proposed development that details of the project would be examined during the process of considering a Conditional Use Permit for the complex. 

Bogdala had high praise for Schutz, saying that construction of the company's first plant has been a smooth process. 

Plan commissioners said the site for Schutz' second complex has always been envisioned for an expansion of the decades-old park that's currently home to a couple dozen small and medium-sized companies. 
