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A Tavern With Strong Ties to Kenosha's Auto Manufacturing Heyday Reopens

Sept. 21, 2024 10a

(WGTD)---While Kenosha's auto industry isn't returning anytime soon, an establishment that was frequented by thousands of autoworkers has made a comeback.

Freddie's East--located on 52nd across the street from where cars were assembled for decades-- reopened several weeks ago under new owners after having been closed for five years. The Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce made it official Friday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. 

Freddie's East--and its twin Freddie's West--were operated by the Kauzrich family.

Tom and Melissa Stein--a couple with numerous family ties to Kenosha's tavern and auto industries--bought the building several months ago.

While infrastructure was replaced and cosmetic improvements were made, the Steins want to preserve the place as a friendly, corner bar under the aura of Kenosha's auto manufacturing heyday. 

Speaking to a reporter Friday, the Steins recalled how both bars--East and West--were flooded with workers who would run across the street on their brief lunch breaks for a beer and a burger. "It was a daily occurrence," Melissa said. "Everybody had the same spot five days a week," she said. The crowd would leave just as quickly to return to work. 

The bar holds another bridge to the past. There's a closed-up window with a counter where each Friday workers would line up to have their paychecks cashed on the spot.  "I'm not going to take that away," Tom said.

The Steins are in the process of collecting photos and other autoworker memorabilia to grace a wall in the bar.
